品牌故事 傳說在遙遠的山上有一個漂亮的圓夢寶樂園。樂園的城堡里住著一對小考拉,分別是考拉王國的凱樂王子和凱拉公主。他們在圓夢寶樂園幸福健康的成長?! s the tale goes, there is an Eden in the mountain far and away, in which all your dreams can come true. In the castles of the Eden lives the couple Koala. They are Prince Kyle and Princess Kyla from the Kingdom Koala. They lead a very happy and healthy life there. 凱樂王子喜歡畫畫,想當一名畫家,把世界上好的風景都畫下來,與伙伴們分享;凱拉公主愛好彈琴,想當一名鋼琴老師,彈出動聽的旋律,把快樂傳遞給每一個小朋友。 Prince Kyle likes painting and dreams of becoming a painter. He desires to put all the beautiful sceneries on his canvas and shares them with his friends. Princess Kyla enjoys playing the piano and dreams of being a piano teacher. She desires to play the sweetest rhymes in the world and pass on the happiness to every child.設計主題 “圓夢寶”圍繞著歐洲的自然情懷和原野風光為設計主題,以時尚高貴的藍色為主調,將中西服飾的時尚元素混合在一起,以“圓你夢想,健康寶貝”為理念,細心把握每一個細節,積極傾聽每一位父母的心聲與需求,從設計構思到生產工藝均力求,以清新、雅致、柔和的色彩為基本色系,設計出一件又一件,讓您的
寶寶每分每刻都倍感舒適自然,更顯天真活潑! “圓夢寶”以豐富的產品組合和親切備至的服務,贏得了顧客們的一致好評,并發揮了圓夢寶的品牌魅力與優勢,為顧客提供“”的愜意購物環境,消費者在這里能一次性買到自己想要的任何嬰幼兒商品,使“圓夢寶”品牌成為競爭實力的本土品牌,是國內外嬰幼兒服飾用品的理想選擇。