A tribute to childhood! All the way from Portugal.... Piu Piu Chick is created out of the love of wanting children to enjoy the magic of childhood. Known for their illustrative prints, alongside a carefully selected colour palette and fabrics that make comfortable for children to play in. Their core values are creativity, passion and a sense of humour, which are evident in the collection below. We love!
向童年致敬! 發源于葡萄牙,Piu Piu Chick是出于希望孩子們享受童年的魔力而創建的。 以其說明性的印刷品,精心挑選的調色板和可讓兒童玩耍的織物而聞名。它們的核心價值是創造力,激情和幽默感,這些在下面的系列中顯而易見。 我們愛!