江西鈺鑫健康實業有限公司成立于1997年。是一家集生物制品、嬰童食品和功能性食品的科研開發、生產、銷售、服務于一體的現代化高新技術企業,旗下成員包括:江西鈺鑫健康實業有限公司、南昌康泰利保健品有限公司、嬰童營養食品研發中心。 鈺鑫公司堅持以“誠信、、創新、共贏”為經營理念,成功地推出了“聰貝優”“聰爾壯”“鈺鑫”“優佳健”“寶貝星”等系列百余個產品,以化經濟效益為目標,以強化管理,提升團隊能力為手段,以市場為導向,積極拓展目標市場,穩定和擴大市場占有率,充分利用現有國家重點實驗室,整合資源,提高產品研發能力,健全以國家工程實驗室、國家工程(技術)研究中心為的工程化研究和應用體系,提高科研成果轉化能力。開發“專、特、新”產品,引進新項目,以不斷創新和完善提升員工素質,增強員工和客戶滿意度,在嬰童食品行業樹立良好口碑和
品牌價值,促進企業持續、穩定、快速、健康發展。Yu-Hsin enterprise (Jiangxi Province Health Products association vice-chairman unit) was founded in 1997. owning excellent product development, production, sales capability,including Jiangxi Yu-Hsin Health Industrial Co.,Ltd.,Nanchang Kangtai Li Health Products Co., Ltd., and Infant Child Nutrition Foods Research and Development Center.Yu-Hsin follow "natural,nutritional,healthy" as its marketing idea.For years, it devotes to the infant nutrition and health food research and production,always adhere to the thought providing healthy babies and infants food for China baby as own duty,following closely the latest development of global biological science and technology,in the process of production without any additives and pigments.Practice the development road of green, health and nutrition, making the baby get the best health care.